Friday 12 February 2010

Back to the Grindstone...

Hmmm...for some reason my backgrounds have vanished...
Mus' investigate...

Well, it is time for another school year and I am back at TAFE (the Polyhectic) and studying Cert IV in Interactive Digital Guff. More 100 apples, More squares! AAARGH! >P
I have occasional Sunday work at a winery now which has led to a Mascot clash with LLL at Festivale. Thankfully I was not needed vitally at the Winery.
(I just wish the Boss was faster at replying to communications).
So, come the weekend I will be 'Harolding' again. I hope both the heat and humidity lay off.

My Karate has been suffering due to heat, the movement of Sisters, and work irregularities. I hope to get back to it soon. (My punching is degrading into paunching!) :P()